03 9357 6360

We use advanced technological solutions in harmony with high quality concrete products equipment, processes and skills,

to bring quality up and total cost of project down for Australian government, developers and builders.

Eifers Concrete > Remote area Concrete Pours

Do you have a need for concrete at a remote location or a site with accessibility issues? Fear not, we love ‘the middle of nowhere’. We have a fleet of volumetric International Mobile Mixers which are essentially on-site batch plants ready for your remote project.

With mobility to rural and remote location and the possibility of sourcing raw materials locally, concrete costs become more economical per cubic metre as transport costs and supply issues are reduced. In addition to producing a wide range of concrete mix designs including CTS Rapid Set Cement, the IMM can also be used as a Pugmill for all your stabilisation needs.

Contact us and we’ll make a plan to make your remote concrete project a reality.