Sometimes there are only certain hours of the day that you’re willing to disrupt services. Because we use CTS Rapid Set Concrete, we can achieve results that are not possible when using standard concrete products. Our cutting-edge technology means we can shut down areas for hours rather than days, minimising disruption significantly.
At Sydney Airport, we replaced the A16 taxiway overnight, with no disruption to services. Structural strength was achieved within one hour, and planes were using it within 3 hours. Using standard concrete, this area would have needed to be shut down for up to 7 days.
There is a myriad of other reasons why concrete pours may be time critical. For instance, we needed to place 40 tonne of concrete to level the new HMAS Canberra within an extremely tight timeframe, and with our advanced materials and specialised equipment, we can achieve amazing results.
Are you between a rock and a hard place with your concrete project timeframe? Contact us and we’ll work out a way to resolve your problem.